Patterns of Meaning at Cast in Steel

Patterns of Meaning at Cast in Steel

Patterns' Founder Cory Bonnet Presents at Cast In Steel 2023

Patterns of Meaning founder Cory Bonnet presented at the Steel Founders' Society of America's (SFSA) Cast in Steel 2023 competition earlier this year. The event challenges university students to create a specific product using modern casting tools. For 2023, their challenge was to create a functioning version of a Halligan bar - a multipurpose tool used by firefighters to gain access to building spaces, vehicles, and many other emergency uses.

Bonnet introduced the engineering teams to historic foundry processes. He spoke to them about the incredible amount of time that went into casting in a time before computers, CNC, and CAD. The goal was to set a baseline starting point so they could easily see the progress of technology and efficiency that intelligent young people like themselves developed over time to improve steel and casting processes. Bonnet seeks to help students envision themselves as part of this ongoing story


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